Explosive power starts with your hips, and no dumbbell exercise challenges your hips to move as swiftly as this one. An adaptation of the kettlebell swing, the swing pushes you to powerfully hike the bell between your legs. Then you...
Curated By Ebenezer Samuel, C.S.C.S. Before the best athletes in the world hit the gym, whether they’re training or competing for medals and championships, they always warm up. Yes, really. And yes, I know what you’re thinking. A few sets...
3 Ways to Add Flavor to Healthy Meals
By Mike Roussell, PhD Spoiler alert: healthy foods are rarely synonymous with delicious foods. But no, that doesn’t mean that world class athletes live off only bland chicken breasts and flavorless broccoli mush. The secret to eating for muscle and...
Why the World’s Best Athletes Use Contrast Training
Curated By Ebenezer Samuel, C.S.C.S. You’ve lifted weights before. But never like this. When the world’s best athletes head to the weight room, instead of simply pounding out reps and sets with heavy weights, they’ll often employ a next-gen training...
Your Best Summer Hydration Tips
By Mike Roussell, PhD Summer is here, and yes, that means we can all finally hit the outdoors to work out and play hard, whether you’re hitting the basketball court or playing tag with the kids. But to be your...
The Best Summer Mobility Moves
Curated By Ebenezer Samuel, C.S.C.S. Few concepts in fitness are more misunderstood than the mobility exercise. Very often, it’s the part of our training we’re most prone to leave out, in part because we think it amounts to basic “stretching.”...