Muscle & Fitness

THE ULTIMATE FITNESS TEST-Three exercises you should dominate with your SMRTFT dumbbells


Sometimes, you need a workout. Other times (aka, once every two to three months, if you ask me), you need a test that’ll tell you exactly where you are on your fitness journey.

The fitness test is an underrated piece of your fitness journey. Workouts help you build muscle and strength. But a good fitness test shows how good you are at applying that muscle and strength, giving you a chance to measure progress. Attack this test every few months (ideally, at least three times a year) to see how well your workouts are helping you create the body you want. Aim to improve your performance whenever you do it. Test ideally on a non-training day – although you can use this as a total-body finisher on a standard training day, too.  

To “pass” the test, score 50 total reps of renegade rows and thrusters, and then pass the press-to-windmill test. 


Start with the renegade row, which measures both pulling and pushing strength, and gives you an underrated assessment of core and grip strength too. Use 25-pound dumbbells and aim to complete as many reps as possible in 90 seconds,, counting each pushup as a rep. Rest as needed during the interval. A solid starter goal is 25 reps. Anything over 20 is decent, over 30 is elite.


I love this move because it measures not only squat and overhead press strength, but it proves your ability to use lower-body power to help your upper-body strength. You’ll again work for 90 seconds, aiming to hit as many reps as possible. A good starter goal here is 30 reps. Anything over 25 is solid. Over 35 and you’re elite.


Rotational strength and stability is an underrated quality everyone should have. You’ll measure that here. There’s no timer on this test. Your goal, simply, is to complete 5 consecutive reps on each side with 25% of your bodyweight. Doing so will showcase your shoulder stability in addition to that critical core strength.



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