The Other 23

Muscle Growth 101: What Really Moves the Needle


You know by now that protein is crucial for effective muscle recovery and growth. And yes, research has shown that, on some level, it’s as simple as hitting the number (1 gram per pound of goal body weight. But there’s more to the protein game than that. And the deeper you go with protein, the more you can see gains.


Today let’s run through three areas of protein consumption that can push you to even more gains: Leucine consumption, meal distribution, and protein timing.


At the center of any proper eat-for-muscle diet is leucine, the powerhouse amino acid that flips the switch on muscle-building by initiating the muscle protein turnover system (and in turn, muscle protein synthesis). Ideally, you’ll want to take in 2.5-2.8 grams of leucine per meal to maximize muscle growth.


But no, that doesn’t (always) mean downing more protein powder. Instead, you can find leucine in many of your favorite foods. Look to beef (3 ounces has 2.5 grams of leucine), tofu (1 firm cup is 3g) or 5 large eggs (2.7g) as options. A scoop of whey protein generally has 2.5-3g of leucine, too. Lean on these protein sources throughout your day.


Once you’re taking in the right amount of protein, you can start thinking about leucine loading. Think of it like carb loading – but for muscle instead of endurance. Instead of only focusing on daily totals, you should aim to trigger MPS at least 3–4 times a day by hitting 2.5g leucine per meal.

Spacing your meals out this way may make eating more complicated, but it’ll also insure your body has a consistent supply of leucine; your body can only metabolize 2.5-2.8 grams at any one time.


Short answer: no. The key to eating for gains is consistency, not perfection. On a weekly basis, aim for 80 percent of your meals to be leucine-rich, fueling recovery and performance. Keep the other 20 percent as “fun” meals that still help you meet your protein goals.

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