Muscle & Fitness

Start the Year Strong!

Curated By Ebenezer Samuel, C.S.C.S.

So the New Year has arrived. And with it, comes the eternal chase for the new, stronger version of you. It’s a classic quest every January, but very often, we fall short. Here’s why: We often chase our goals too hard at the start of the year.

Fitness is about long-term planning, not transforming yourself in the year’s first month. Don’t try to set PRs in January. Instead, focus on laying a base with exercises that prep your body for bigger challenges. Do this workout four times a week, aiming to use heavier weights each week. You’ll be stronger after January – and ready to hit all your goals in 2024.


Staggered-Stance Romanian Deadlift

Staggered-Stance Romanian Deadlift

The classic hinge exercise should always be the backbone of your training. Here, you’ll get that hinge from an athletic position, building muscle and readying yourself for everything from pickup basketball to deadlift personal record attempts.

Do 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps per side.


Paused Goblet Squat

Paused Goblet Squat

Whether you want to dunk a basketball or simply beef up your quads this year, the squat is a key lift you’ll need to know.

The goblet version will stealthily build ab strength too, setting you up for success in every exercise you do. Do 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps.


Bent-Over Seesaw Row

Bent-Over Seesaw Row

This athletic row variation will build the midback strength you need to prevent shoulder issues and the lower back strength to avoid back pain, while also teaching your torso to powerfully twist and turn. Aim for 3 sets of 10 total reps.


Alternating Tall Kneeling Overhead Press

Alternating Tall Kneeling Overhead Press

Finish things off by challenging your shoulders and triceps with this overhead press variation that also trains your abs.

The strength you build here will power your pushups and bench press PRs down the road. Do 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps.


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Ebenezer Samuel, C.S.C.S.

Ebenezer Samuel, C.S.C.S., is a certified trainer with more than 10 years of training experience. He’s logged training time with NFL athletes and track athletes.

His current training regimen includes weight training, HIIT conditioning, and yoga.

Ebenezer has had multiple prestigious positions including serving as a sports and tech columnist for the New York Daily News.

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